Here we are all together
With Ledet, Tasfaye and Abraham at the back
Just to finish off my last week in Ethiopia if I can.
On the last Sunday everyone went off to church except 3 of the girls who were at home apparently not well but still doing some household chores - dealing with some vegetables that had been delivered by someone. After church time I had said that I would visit the boys and Ermi's house so off we went. Ermi's house was first and Koni and Ermi went off to a quick meeting while I stayed with the boys - we looked at photos again and just talked and kept telling each other how much we would all miss each other. No English lesson but I wrote some things they wanted - words to a couple of Gospel songs in English, a couple of sayings about courage, love, compassion. We also had a great lunch during which the boys celebrated with a big sort of thank you party for Ermi, Koni and Simon, with cake and candles and balloons. Some of the boys from previous "batches" came as well so it was like a reunion and a party. They sort of see Ermi and Koni as mother and father figures, Simon is the other guy who lives in the house and helps with teaching and running the house.
Koni headed off home, saying she had another meeting and left me there for Ermi to take over later and then on the the other boys' house. It was getting later and Ermi had me doing a couple of things on the computer, printing some files and things. The boys took off for another "lesson" and then Ermi and I headed for the other boys, via home to collect Koni.
It was getting pretty late by now, but it gets dark early in Addis and we often walked home in the dark. I could hear the girls getting stuff done and giggling away, deciding to play games with us by not letting us in. Finally however the door opened and I was greeted by EVERYONE all arranged in the courtyard with streamers, balloons, songs, Abraham was there with his daughter and US guests, Henok and Eden from the library, and the cooks from both houses and everyone shouting "surprise".
And was I surprised! I have to say that I had absolutely no idea whatsoever - I guess you can arrange a party like this when the guest of honour doesn't speak the language. Koni was telling me that when they were looking at photos and I thought they were all talking about the photos - no, talking about the party! And so on. And all the food that was delivered - not a week's supply but all magnificently prepared for one BIG night of celebration.
So there were speeches from lots of people, even I had to give one, and there were presents - the first one very early in the night from all the kids was a traditional Habesha dress and shawl into which I had to immediately change and enjoy the party - so that I was a proper Ethiopian mother. There were songs, and dancing (Koni says I have definitely been a very bad influence - there never used to be dancing - but everyone joined in even the shy kids, one of whom turned out to be a great dancer!) There was a campfire, and games and one where people picked by chance have to perform something, so there were jokes and little plays and all sorts of things and of course I was chosen by Sentayehu "by chance" and had to sing several songs including our national anthem (thank goodness I know the words!) . That was much better than the alternative, which they had decided was impersonating a kangaroo!!
And there was a present from the boys house and one special one from Tasfaye (a great pen with a globe on top to remind me of where they are all the time) The food was fabulous and I had to take first plate but I didn't get to eat anything of what was on my plate I was fed by everyone and in turn fed to others what I had. Abraham and his guests left fairly early but we partyed on until fairly late. I don't think I have ever in my life been so hugged, kissed and celebrated. I doubt there was a time the whole night where someone wasn't hugging me, holding my hand, sitting on my knee, having me sit on their knee. I kept moving all night trying to sit with and talk to everyone - we all danced together of course, Ermi kept everyone in stitches and it was just an amazing night that I will never ever forget. Henok took tons of photos and Navi also used the other camera so I have a good record of all the festivities and some great group photos.
So, the end was really drawing nigh! Only 3 days to go but still lots to do and goodbyes to say. I guess it will still take one more posting!
Gotta go, time is up on the terminal - still can't post photos sorry guys.
Some of you know that I have delayed my return by almost a week due to being ill - I will now be back on the 22nd. On another course of antibiotics and still not really eating (not that that will do me any harm) and really hoping that I will be completely fit by the time that travel time comes. Also dropped my mobile and had it run over, so communication is sparse again!
Will add more when I can
lots of love