Wednesday, 2 July 2008

New photos, 2 weeks old yesterday

Sharing the floor with mum

He's so cute

Ian holds him on his first "brunch" at Hot Pippis

Dad Ian looking pretty happy

Nana gets a cuddle

Mum Lahni and baby

Pa and baby boy

Micheal takes a turn

Lonni with her two babies

More pics another day. All I am doing is putting unwanted possessions on ebay, recovering form the surgery slowly and seeing the baby

lots of love


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Lyndall,it was wonderful to see the pictures of Lahni's new baby boy. Please pass on love and hugs from the Randalls. This is the first time I have visited your blog... you always could write well! It is way too much to take in, in one sitting, but I have enjoyed and appreciated hearing and seeing about your new life and your new husband. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday evening, Love and hugs Angie