Thursday, 11 September 2008

Logan's progress

These are the latest pictures sent by Lahni on Monday. Sunday was Father's Day of course and the 7th is also Ian's birthday so there was some celebrating happening. The picture of Ian and Logan enjoying a nap was taken on Father's Day. Very cute.

Ramadan is progressing well, we seem to be into the swing of it now although I dread to think how long it will take to get the biorhythms right again. Basically we sleep late, often until midday or very close to it, and then begin the day - usually going out for Mohamed to take care of business and doing the housework for me. Mohamed is back in time for the iftar meal, usually just hanging out the door waiting to hear the call from the mosque that tells us we can eat and drink. Today that was 6.09 pm. He's anxious to have the food ready right on the minute. Normally I manage it. I am not usually really hungry but I am always thirsty.

Once we've eaten it's relaxing time, or maybe doing bookwork, or going out to the cafe for Mohamed, or like last night, off to the supermarket about 10.00, and then we stay up to eat as close to 4.00 am as possible. Some nights we make it but sometimes it might be earlier, like 2.00 am or so. I have a normal breakfast of muesli but add some juice and water (as much as I can manage) and maybe even a piece of toast and Vegemite (I brought back a big jar this time). Mohamed has more of an Egyptian light meal or breakfast, bread, cheese, beans maybe, egg maybe, a little toshi (pickled vegetables) etc. Once we've had that and put the dishes in the sink it's off to bed. I don't usually like going to bed when I've just eaten but I'm so tired by then it's welcoming.

Today we had Rania and Hagar and the 3 boys to share the meal with us and in fact the ladies did the cooking for us and now I have 3 more dishes that Mohamed likes - a sort of spinach soup with lots of garlic and ground coriander called mulukhiyya, sliced potatoes done with onion and garlic in a tomato sauce in the oven and savoury rice made with milk. I would never have made that one - milk and salt and pepper, ghee and margarine, baked in the oven. It was fine but not my favourite. The potatoes were delicious however.

I have had an uneventful time, just in the house basically, one quick drive for coffee one night and a visit to the supermarket my only outings in 10 days. Such an enormous change for me and at times I find it very restricting. Thank goodness I now have the net.

Cairo suffered a significant disaster this week - you can read about it here

Yes, I now have an Egyptian newspaper on line so I can keep up with what's happening around the country. But coincidental that I was just telling you about the Citadel last post and this major problem has occurred just behind it in Old Cairo. It's been so hot, I can't stop thinking about all the poor people and how they must be suffering. I would think it highly unlikely they will find any more alive and the death toll will be a great deal higher than it is now.

Anyway, sorry to end on a sombre note but it's time to think about getting food ready and then getting off to bed.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys, news from home is always welcome...

lots of love


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