Thursday 13 September 2007

Up and down and all around...

Us enjoying the elephants in Botswana

Up Table Mountain, down to Cape Point on the Cape of Good Hope and all around the city - that's been the last two days for us in Cape Town.

We've been to the blue shed, the red shed, the Green Dolphin, the main mall and 2 of the 3 World Heritage sites in Cape Town. We've been up to the old lighthouse on Cape Point and looked down on the new one. We've taken the cable car up Table Mountain and surveyed the city and all the bays around it, watched the penguins on the beach and seen Cecil Rhodes' Cottage. We've investigated the Castle, seen the Malay slave quarter, visited the Kraal weaving workshop and chatted with the ladies there (stunning work), bought art works and souvenirs of bead work and made of malachite and fabric, fitted in a pedicure and a manicure, had time to get Lonni's hair part braided and have listened to some of the many street performers who sing and play amazing music. We've lunched and dined Portugese and Italian and eaten looking out over the waterfront.

I've got my cameras fixed and bought another lens (yes Ley, it will show up on the credit card but truly it was about half the price I'd pay at home) and had the photos put onto CDs, one set to send safely home and one set to keep. Will try and add some of Botswana when I can. Feel more ready (photographically speaking) for Namibia now.

Sorry this is short but all is well, we are still having an amazing time with one experience piled on top of another. Lon is already in bed and it's time I returned the laptop. Only one more day here, dinner tomorrow night with JD and Shelley and then picked up at 5.30am to go to the airport for our flight to Windhoek. Will add more when I can.

Hope all of you are well - we're just terrific!

lotsa love

L & L

PS - a couple of pics to be going on with - lions and hippos, us with the elephants

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's great that you're having so much fun ladies... Don't break the bank though, no body wants to work for the rest of thier life just to pay off a holiday! And I don't want to hear your "but it so cheap!" excuses. I should have gone with you to be the voice of reason... maybe next time... hint hint...

Enjoy the rest of your trip,not much left now, THE COUNTDOWN'S ON, at least for you Lon.

Love you lots xoxo

ps what do we have to do to make you homesick and jealous of OUR activities?...